Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 7 ~ Abu Simbel & Aswan

We were up by 1:30 this morning to catch our 4:30 flight to Abu Simbel in southern Egypt.  As we approached the airport, we could see The Great Temple of Ramses II built in the mid 1200’s BC.  Our guide whisked us away for a 2 1/2 hour visit to this site before returning us to the airport to fly to Aswan where we met our cruise boat.


When the new Aswan dam was completed in 1971, about 10 of the historic temples would have been under water south of the dam if it weren’t for UNESCO.  The is one of the temples that was moved to a higher elevation just a short distance from its original site. 


Also at this location is the Temple of Hathor containing statues of Nefertari, Ramses II favorite wife.

Shortly after we boarded our cruise ship, we enjoyed a six course lunch, followed by our tour of Aswan.  Mina, our tour guide, took us on a small boat ride to a Nubian village about 45 minutes away.  Ann and Mary Kay braved another camel ride at the village, while Bonnie and I relaxed in a Nubian home.  We shared the living room with two crocodiles, as it is common for each home to have at least one crocodile.  Luckily they were enclosed in the main living area.


The homes are brightly colored, both inside and out, with sand floors. The Nubian population was transplanted into Aswan and other areas in Egypt because the new dam caused all their land to be flooded by Lake Nasser .

When we returned to town, we took a carriage ride around town seeing both the city highlights and the poverty. Children cheerfully ran to our carriage calling to us, “Hello money.”


Following the carriage ride, we again boarded a small boat to the Island of Philae for an early evening lightshow.  Here is the location of the beautiful Greco-Roman Temple to Isis, goddess of magic and love, built in the mid 200’s BC, as well as other temples. This is another site that was relocated by UNESCO because of the dam. Unfortunately by this time we were all so tired, we could barely stay awake.  When I hit the pillow after dinner, I don’t think I have ever fallen asleep so quickly. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your on a wind mill today. First of all taking a fight to Abu Simbel & Aswan in southern Egypt, Beautiful sites. Was it Hot? It is unbelievable that these Temple's could be moved at all, to a higher elevation. The Great Temple of Ramses II and Temple of Hathor containing statues of Nefertari, Ramses II favorite wife. is really cool. Now why did men and/or women quit building Temples/Towers and Statues (Leaning of course) for their special lovers. I want a Temple and/or statues built for me. Don't you? Not in Egypt thought. Flying to Aswan where you met your cruise ship. Wow a 6 course meal. I bet all of you were hungry. What a fast paced, wonderful day. Keep Have Fun!!!! Love You!!
